Author Archives: admin
Day 89
Day 115
Day 88
Someone’s iphone got a new bright sharp green case! :]
Day 87
Our homemade Valentine’s Day candle light dinner! <3
Day 86
Working hard to make these Ferrero Rocher chocolate bouquets for the UTHKSA event!
Day 85
Day 84
Day 83
Day 82
Day 81
Day 80
Day 79
Piggie and Monkey :8)
Day 78
At 麗華軒 for the UTHKSA 開年飯!
Day 77
Day 290
Day 75
團年飯 at 伯爵名宴!
Day 74
Bundled-up for the snow storm said to be coming soon!
Day 73
Day 72
Having crepes at Cafe Mania.